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Herd Sires

Red Sugar

Red Sugar L2 104/93 U 1,2 1993-2004

Red Sugar, our performance tested Champion Bull and the sire of L2 Synergy, L2 Infinity, L2 Encore, L2 Red Farrah, L2 Red Farrah Lady, L2 Carmenett, L2 Victoria, L2 Red Vanna and many more, all are proven herd sires and donor females that have proven Red Sugar’s great genetic performance strength and breeding ability. Red Sugar’s dam, Sugar Ann, with her strong maternal traits has produced lots of good herd bulls and donor females that are working throughout the breed and the common thread among all of them is that they produce excellent progeny.

Red Sugar calves excel both in visual appraisal and performance. Average birth weight of heifer calves is 73# with bull calves weighing in at 75#. All of his calves from many different genetic lines are uncommonly uniform and consistent.

One of the most important Red Sugar traits that eclipse all others is that his calves excel in performance. The profitability trait! This has been proven by a BBU sponsored feedlot program conducted by Texas Tech University in 1997. Eight registered calves from 17 different Beefmaster sires and breeders were placed in the Koch Feed Yard in Lubbock for an actual feedlot comparison of gainability. The pen of Red Sugar calves won the BBU award for the highest daily gain with 4.3# per day. A real achievement from some tough competition. This very important economic trait is passed along to all of the sons and daughters, they too have superior performance. Red Sugar has been proven as a bull that produces calves with all the profitable traits. His heifers and bulls are in demand because of their overall balanced quality traits.

Red Sugar is a “Breed Legend”.

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